Start a development environment
In this tutorial, you will start Boundary in dev mode and authenticate as the admin user.
Boundary provides a dev mode to enable quick testing and exploration. Dev mode provides admin credentials for password authentication.
- Docker installed
- A route to download the PostgreSQL Docker image or a local image cached
- A Boundary binary in your
Launch Terminal
This tutorial includes a free interactive command-line lab that lets you follow along on actual cloud infrastructure.
Start a dev environment
A deployment of a highly available (HA) Boundary service requires multiple controllers and workers to construct a cluster.
Controllers are responsible for understanding configuration, authenticating and authorizing users, and serving user API requests (for example, to start a session).
Boundary clusters require an accessible key management service (KMS) and database shared by controllers. Boundary's database maintains the state of Boundary's resources, identities, and access policies. Boundary's KMS is customer-defined and serves as Boundary's root-of-trust for at-rest and in-transit encryption.
Workers are responsible for the actual session recording/proxying capability and other tasks that involve storage.
Dev mode brings up a fully functioning instance of Boundary which includes:
- A controller server
- A worker server
- A PostgreSQL database
These components are ephemeral; therefore, data is not persisted and convenient for quick testing.
Dev mode is not suitable for production environments.
Check the help message for boundary dev
$ boundary dev -h
There are optional flags available to configure Boundary environment through the command line.
Usage: boundary dev [options]
Start a dev environment:
$ boundary dev
For a full list of examples, refer to the [documentation](/boundary/docs/configuration).
Connection Options:
Address of the Boundary controller, as a complete URL (for example, The address can also be specified via the
BOUNDARY_ADDR environment variable.
Path on the local disk to a single PEM-encoded CA certificate to
verify the controller or worker server's SSL certificate. This path
takes precedence over -ca-path. It can also be specified via the
BOUNDARY_CACERT environment variable.
Path on the local disk to a directory of PEM-encoded CA certificates to
verify the SSL certificate of the controller. This path can also be specified
via the BOUNDARY_CAPATH environment variable.
Start Boundary in development mode.
$ boundary dev
==> Boundary server configuration:
[Bsr] Aead Key Bytes: gJ6InDZfJmhlLHRiMBSY9wecgR+16WbnWWU/ueOIlY8=
[Recovery] Aead Key Bytes: bolGROIz4Ae/YVSASCj7hUS2SyQNL2/AHkGCfy6XpGc=
[Root] Aead Key Bytes: dJyHT/5YWo9KOjhZwU2mygdmLK40akAs4yU0KT6ER4c=
[Worker-Auth-Storage] Aead Key Bytes: 6E8tbDoDtoCFYId5EvjMVlunwzWYzbdkQlYj6W/2zG0=
[Worker-Auth] Aead Key Bytes: A3WQJnBOv6m1VqtbMizimy9yT15W3na32+w8y79vr8Q=
[Bsr] Aead Type: aes-gcm
[Recovery] Aead Type: aes-gcm
[Root] Aead Type: aes-gcm
[Worker-Auth-Storage] Aead Type: aes-gcm
[Worker-Auth] Aead Type: aes-gcm
Cgo: disabled
Controller Public Cluster Addr:
Dev Database Container: charming_bohr
Dev Database Url: postgres://postgres:password@localhost:55000/boundary?sslmode=disable
Generated Admin Login Name: admin
Generated Admin Password: password
Generated Host Catalog Id: hcst_1234567890
Generated Host Id: hst_1234567890
Generated Host Set Id: hsst_1234567890
Generated Ldap Auth Method Base Search Dns: users="ou=people,dc=example,dc=org" groups="ou=groups,dc=example,dc=org"
Generated Ldap Auth Method Host:port: (does not have a root DSE; use simple bind)
Generated Ldap Auth Method Id: amldap_1234567890
Generated Oidc Auth Method Id: amoidc_1234567890
Generated Org Scope Id: o_1234567890
Generated Password Auth Method Id: ampw_1234567890
Generated Postgres Target With Alias:
Generated Project Scope Id: p_1234567890
Generated Ssh Target With Alias:
Generated Target With Address Id: ttcp_1234567890
Generated Target With Host Source Id: ttcp_0987654321
Generated Unprivileged Login Name: user
Generated Unprivileged Password: password
Generated Web Target With Alias:
Listener 1: tcp (addr: "", cors_allowed_headers: "[]", cors_allowed_origins: "[*]", cors_enabled: "true", max_request_duration: "1m30s", purpose: "api")
Listener 2: tcp (addr: "", max_request_duration: "1m30s", purpose: "cluster")
Listener 3: tcp (addr: "", max_request_duration: "1m30s", purpose: "ops")
Listener 4: tcp (addr: "", max_request_duration: "1m30s", purpose: "proxy")
Log Level: info
Mlock: supported: false, enabled: false
Version: Boundary v0.16.0
Version Sha: 3a3ae23c029711a26687e76d6a3e226f9f4479d5
Worker Auth Current Key Id: deceased-stallion-deplete-sermon-much-sharper-occupy-dimmed
Worker Auth Storage Path: /var/folders/nv/3nsbzcxn1ds56yrrf2s3d8040000gn/T/nodeenrollment3659877706
Worker Public Proxy Addr:
==> Boundary server started! Log data will stream in below:
On Windows systems you may receive the following error when you run
boundary dev
$ boundary dev
Error creating dev database container: unable to start dev database with dialect postgres: could not start resource: : Post "http://localhost:2375/images/create?fromImage=postgres&tag=12": dial tcp [::1]:2375: connectex: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
If the error is similar to the one printed above, you may need to expose the Docker daemon on port 2375 without TLS.
Open Docker Desktop, and navigate to the Settings panel by clicking on the gear icon at the top-right of the screen.
Under General settings, click the checkbox next to Expose daemon on tcp://localhost:2375 without TLS to enable the setting. Then click Apply & Restart to restart Docker Desktop. The screenshot shows the Expose daemon on tcp://localhost2375 without TLS setting enabled.
After Docker Desktop restarts, run boundary dev
Boundary starts in dev mode with default authentication credentials and a set of pre-defined resources.
These admin credentials enable you to log in the Boundary console.
- Generated Auth Method Id:
- Generated Auth Method Login Name:
- Generated Auth Method Password:
The default login name and password can be overwritten with -login-name
flags (for example, boundary dev -login-name="dev-admin" -password="p@ssw0rd"
Login to the Boundary console
You can authenticate to the Boundary console via the Admin console or the CLI.
In a browser window, navigate to the Boundary Admin console at
This launches the Boundary Admin console.
in the Username field.This is the Generated Auth Method Login Name.
in the Password field.This is the Generated Auth Method Password.
Click Authenticate.
The Boundary UI displays the global scope, which shows the Generated org scope with the ID
Boundary clusters require an accessible key management service (KMS). An error may occur if this service is not running.
If you are having problems logging in with boundary authenticate
on Unix-like
operating systems other than MacOS, you may be having
problems with your local key store. Refer to the Deploy and Login to
page in Boundary's documentation for more details.
Click on the error message below for step-by-step solutions to continue the Getting Started tutorials.
In a Unix shell this error implies that the Secret Service implementation is not available. To fix this issue you can either bypass the keyring or enable the system KMS.
Method 1: Bypass the keyring
The CLI can bypass the operating system's keyring manager by overriding the keyring type and managing the token in the environment variable.
environment variable to the authentication token.
If you are using Boundary 0.9.1 or lower, use this command:
$ export BOUNDARY_TOKEN=$(boundary authenticate password \
-auth-method-id=ampw_1234567890 \
-login-name=admin \
-password=password \
-keyring-type=none \
-format=json | jq -r ".item.attributes.token")
If you are using Boundary 0.10.0 or higher, use these commands:
$ export BOUNDARY_PASS=password
$ export BOUNDARY_TOKEN=$(boundary authenticate password \
-auth-method-id=ampw_1234567890 \
-login-name=admin \
-password=env://BOUNDARY_PASS \
-keyring-type=none \
-format=json | jq -r ".item.attributes.token")
You can bypass the keyring by setting the keyring-type
value to none
. The
command displays the results as JSON by using the -format=json
flag, and
parsed by jq
for the token
Method 2: Enable the system KMS
You can fix this error by installing the dbus-x11
and gnome-keyring
and manually invoking the keyring daemon.
On Ubuntu, install the dbus-x11
and gnome-keyring
$ sudo apt install dbus-x11 gnome-keyring
Create the variable KEYRING_PASSWORD
with a password.
Substitute FOOBAR
with a password of your choice. Leave the \n
You can prevent the command line from recording the password by
running the gnome-keyring-daemon
command directly and entering in the password
when requested, followed by a newline (return) and an EOF (Ctrl+D
Create a default keyring and unlock it with a password.
$ eval "$(printf '$KEYRING_PASSWORD' | gnome-keyring-daemon --unlock)"
Connect to the keyring daemon and initialize it with the same password.
$ eval "$(printf 'KEYRING_PASSWORD' | gnome-keyring-daemon --start)"
Run this in any shell where you use the Boundary CLI.
Next steps
You started Boundary in dev mode and authenticated as the admin user. Next you will manage resources using the Boundary admin console.