Consul ACLs
Command: consul acl
The acl
command is used to interact with Consul's ACLs via the command
line. It exposes top-level commands for bootstrapping the ACL system,
managing tokens and policies, translating legacy rules, and setting the
tokens for use by an agent.
ACLs are also accessible via the HTTP API.
Bootstrap Consul's ACLs:
$ consul acl bootstrap
AccessorID: 4d123dff-f460-73c3-02c4-8dd64d136e01
SecretID: 86cddfb9-2760-d947-358d-a2811156bf31
Description: Bootstrap Token (Global Management)
Local: false
Create Time: 2018-10-22 11:27:04.479026 -0400 EDT
00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001 - global-management
Create a policy:
$ consul acl policy create -name "acl-replication" -description "Token capable of replicating ACL policies" -rules 'acl = "read"'
ID: 35b8ecb0-707c-ee18-2002-81b238b54b38
Name: acl-replication
Description: Token capable of replicating ACL policies
acl = "read"
Create a token:
$ consul acl token create -description "Agent Policy Replication - my-agent" -policy-name "acl-replication"
AccessorID: c24c11aa-4e08-e25c-1a67-705a2e8d75a4
SecretID: e7024f9c-f016-02dd-6217-daedbffb86ac
Description: Agent Policy Replication - my-agent
Local: false
Create Time: 2018-10-22 11:34:49.960482 -0400 EDT
35b8ecb0-707c-ee18-2002-81b238b54b38 - acl-replication
For more examples, ask for subcommand help or view the subcommand documentation by clicking on one of the links in the sidebar.
Usage: consul acl <subcommand>
For the exact documentation for your Consul version, run consul acl -h
view the complete list of subcommands.
Usage: consul acl <subcommand> [options] [args]
This command has subcommands for interacting with Consul's ACLs.
Here are some simple examples, and more detailed examples are available
in the subcommands or the documentation.
Bootstrap ACLs:
$ consul acl bootstrap
List all ACL tokens:
$ consul acl token list
Create a new ACL policy:
$ consul acl policy create -name "new-policy" \
-description "This is an example policy" \
-datacenter "dc1" \
-datacenter "dc2" \
-rules @rules.hcl
Set the default agent token:
$ consul acl set-agent-token default 0bc6bc46-f25e-4262-b2d9-ffbe1d96be6f
For more examples, ask for subcommand help or view the documentation.
auth-method Manage Consul's ACL auth methods
binding-rule Manage Consul's ACL binding rules
bootstrap Bootstrap Consul's ACL system
policy Manage Consul's ACL policies
role Manage Consul's ACL roles
set-agent-token Assign tokens for the Consul Agent's usage
token Manage Consul's ACL tokens
translate-rules Translate the legacy rule syntax into the current syntax
For more information, examples, and usage about a subcommand, click on the name of the subcommand in the sidebar or one of the links below: